As part of our mission to promote sustainable energy, we have
recently designed & manufactured the bearings for the first
Hydrogen Fuel Cell.
Developed by Tata Motors in collaboration with the Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO), this cell shall be used to power the
first zero-pollution public transport Bus in India - the Tata Motors
Starbus, which emits only water.

Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Site
KLIS is the largest lift irrigation site in the world, boasting the
biggest pumps ever built in Asia. These pumps lift approximately 2
TMC of water nearly 620 meters high, and provide water to over
1800000 acres of land, spread over 13 districts.
Each of these pumps run on bearings designed & manufactured
by KMP, making them the largest indigenous bearings of their kind.

Project 19 (INS)
The Indian Navy boasts a fleet of 7 indigenously produced stealth
class warships, which were commissioned in the early 2000’s and
are still in active service.
Each of these ships have KMP designed & manufactured bearings
in their gearboxes, on both the port & starboard side.